
Practical Year-End Tax Ideas for Businesses and Self Employed

If you are self employed, a start up media entrepreneur or a business owner of any sort, it’s not too late to make moves to reduce your 2013 income and self employment taxes. Here are a couple ideas:

Tax planning

It is not too late to reduce your 2013 income taxes

  • Purchase business equipment. Up to $500,000 (scheduled to be reduced significantly to $25,000 in 2014) in business equipment purchases can be expensed this year, rather than being expensed over a number of years. Additionally, there is also a 50% bonus depreciation allowance (that will not be available in 2014) if your purchases exceed the $500,000 limit. 2013 might be the last year to maximize your equipment purchase deductions to such an extent.You may need the latest Mac or PC, for example. This is great benefit to any company with profits that can be offset or reduced.
  • Deduct health insurance. If you are self-employed, you are allowed to claim 100% of the amount paid for health insurance for yourself, your spouse, and your dependents as long as you follow certain conditions.
  • Consider credit card purchases. If you want to purchase equipment or supplies for your business before the end of the year, but you are cash-strapped, consider using your credit card. Your deduction occurs this year when the purchase is made, not next year when the credit card charges are paid. Many startups finance themselves through credit card purchases. Beware, this can add a level of risk to your startup.
  • Create a retirement plan. It’s not too late to create a retirement plan for yourself and your employees if you have them. The plans can be simple to set up and administer, such as a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plan. A 401(k) plan could be established even for a one-person business. While some of these plans must be established by the end of the year, most can be funded up to the extended due date of the tax return.
  • Use the new “streamlined” home-office rules. Ocassionally, self-employed taxpayers declined to claim the home-office deduction because it was so complicated to compute. For 2013, the deduction is streamlined, allowing for a deduction of $5 per square foot, up to a maximum of 300 square feet or $1,500. This is last on my list because $5 per square foot, although simple to understand is just a fraction of the cost per square foot in NYC and surrounding areas.

For guidance with year-end tax planning for your business, please contact our office.(516-280-8363)

IRS CIRCULAR 230 DISCLOSURE: To ensure compliance with Treasury Department regulations, we inform you that any U.S. federal tax advice contained is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties that may be imposed under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.



A Quick Summary of New Tax Law Signed to Avoid Fiscal Cliff

The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 was signed by the President on January 2, 2013. The following is a quick summary of some of the more important provisions.

Payroll taxes. The most visible tax change in the new tax law is the 2% increase in the payroll tax. Everyone who draws a paycheck or has self-employment income will pay more in 2013. If you have $40,000 in wages in 2013, you will pay an additional $800 of payroll taxes over what you paid in 2012 on the same amount of wages.

Tax rates. The new law keeps the income tax rates the same as they were in 2012 for most taxpayers and makes them permanent. The new 39.6% tax rate will apply to single taxpayers making over $400,000 and couples making over $450,000.
Itemized deductions. The law puts limitations on the itemized deductions and personal exemptions for singles making over $250,000 and married couples making over $300,000.

Long-term capital gains.  The long-term capital gains rate will be 20% for singles making over $400,000 and couples making over $450,000. The prior 15% and zero rates will continue to apply to those in the lower brackets as they did in 2012.

Tax-free distributions to charity. The tax-free distribution to charity from an IRA by a taxpayer age 70½ or older is extended through 2013. Special rules apply to December 2012 and January 2013 distributions if the transfer is made to the charity by January 31, 2013.

Education. A number of education tax incentives were extended or made permanent in the new tax law.

Child tax credit. The new law makes permanent the $1,000 child tax credit.

The alternative minimum tax (AMT) has been permanently patched with a 2012 exemption amount of $50,600 for unmarried taxpayers and $78,750 for married taxpayers. The exemption amount will be adjusted annually for inflation.

Depreciation. On the business front, the 50% bonus depreciation and the $500,000 business expensing option are extended through 2013. There are also numerous business tax incentives extended through 2013.

There is much more in the new tax law. Please contact us for a review of your tax considerations under the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012.